Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Face to Face

Earlier this year, on a trip to Madison, WI, my husband and I went to the Henry Vilas Zoo. It was small for a zoo, but it wasn't crowded and the exhibits were designed to offer close looks at all the animals. Plus, it was free! The best thing we saw, besides a bunch of lions frolicking in the snow, was a family of tiny Golden Lion Tamarins. These mini-simians weigh less than 1.5 pounds and could easily fit in the palm of your hand (although I expect they'd bit your fingers.)

I was was watching one very small tamarin as it moved around its enclosure, jumping from branch to branch on a small tree limb, coming closer and closer to the glass. Then we were eye to eye. The tiny monkey looked right at me and cocked it's head to the side.

It was cold outside and my throat was feeling dry. As I moved my giant hand to my mouth to stifle a cough, the tamarin threw up its tiny hands, made a very funny face and jumped away.