Friday, September 29, 2006
Men Smuggled Monkeys in Pants

When the rare birds of paradise escaped from his suitcase and flew over the heads of U.S. Customs Agents at Los Angeles International Airport, Robert Cusack decided it was best to confess that, yes, he did have more to declare.

"I have monkeys in my pants," Cusack told the agents.


Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Monkey Vacations I'd Like to Take

Monkey Forest and the Monkey Sanctuary Trust in England.

Monkey Jungle outside Miami, Florida.

Sacred Monkey Forest Sancutary in Indonesia.

Monkey Temple in India.

Monkey See, Monkey Do


Pier Ferrari at the University of Parma, Italy, and colleagues tested 21 newborn macaques by holding each in front of a researcher who made various facial expressions.

At one day old, none of the infants showed any imitation. By day three, however, infants started to copy the researchers’ expressions, including tongue protrusions, mouth opening and lip smacking – all typical macaque expressions.

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{I'm not sure what this footage proves, but it sure is cute!}

Friday, September 01, 2006
Chimp Culture

Chimpanzees Can Transmit Cultural Behavior To Multiple 'Generations'

Transferring knowledge through a chain of generations is a behavior not exclusive to humans, according to new findings by researchers at the Yerkes National Primate Research Center of Emory University and the University of St. Andrews, Scotland. For the first time, researchers have shown chimpanzees exhibit generational learning behavior similar to that in humans. Unlike previous findings that indicated chimpanzees simply conform to the social norms of the group, this study shows behavior and traditions can be passed along a chain of individual chimpanzees. These findings, based upon behavioral data gathered at the Yerkes Field Station in Lawrenceville, Ga., will publish online in the August 28 early edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Read more.