Here at Tiny Monkey Industries, we are known to indulge in several guilty pleasures, which we usually keep to ourselves. But, sometimes, they're just too funny not to share. Case in point: The eating of raw cookie dough. Many people (and monkeys) enjoy the simple pleasures of cookie dough, but are ashamed to admit it.
That shame has now been captured in song by TMI faves
Paul & Storm. The song, entitled "Pillsbury Cookie Dough," can be purchased for $1 from iTunes or from the
Paul & Storm store.
If you are unwilling to part with $1, we've captured the uncommonly witty lyrics below. Imagine an earnest commercial theme song as you read (maybe that coffee commercial—was it Folgers or Maxwell House?—where the son comes home from the military and surprises his family at Christmas).
It's 4 in the morning, you sneak out of bed, and tiptoe down the stairs. You go to the kitchen and leave off the light, the Pillsbury cookie dough is waiting there. Yeah you open the door, take the tube in your hand, get the scissors down from the shelf. Peel back the label, give it a squeeze, you're gonna eat the whole thing all by yourself. There's nothing better than a whole damn tube of raw cookie dough. Go on and eat it all. Don't slice it, don't cook it, don't serve it, don't share it. Go on and eat it all. Hide the wrapper in the bottom of the trash and go back up to bed . . . filled with shame and cookie dough . . . from Pillsbury.